U+1F3FC Unicode Information

MeaningMedium-light Skin Tone
Unicode Version8.0 (2015-06-17)
Emoji Version1.0 (2015-08-04)
Type FieldBasic Emoji
Qualified Statuscomponent
Default Emoji StyleEmoji
Emoji LevelLevel 2
Emoji Modifier StatusModifier
Emoji Sourcesx (Other)
Emoji Property

Emoji = 1

Emoji Presentation = 1

Emoji Modifier Base = 0

Emoji Component = 1

Extended Pictographic = 0

Emoji Modifier = 1

Sub Category🏻skin-tone


Emoji Proposal 1

Proposal NumberL2/14-154
Proposal NameReport on Diversity Emoji Use in iDiversicons and Proposal to Add New Emoji from iDiversicons Collection to Unicode (revised)
Proposal FromKatrina Parrott, Shervin Afshar
Proposal date2014
Proposal Files
File nameSizeAdddate
No.154,2014 PDF:R IDIVERSICON EMOJI REPT18432.0 K2014-08-06
No.154,2014 PDF:IDIVERSION EMOJI REPT7782.4 K2014-07-18

Emoji Proposal 2

Proposal NumberL2/14-173
Proposal NameVariation selectors for Emoji skin tone (revised)
Proposal FromPeter Edberg, Mark Davis
Proposal date2014
Proposal Files
File nameSizeAdddate
No.173,2014 PDF:R EMOJI SKIN TONE211.0 K2014-08-29
No.173,2014 PDF:EMOJI SKIN TONE197.0 K2014-08-05

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